Okay. I am a mother of 2. My youngest who is thirteen is very popular in school. My eldest daughter Sierra, who is 15, i leaving the house in stiped Pink and black stockings, black and while stipped skirts, Band teshirts, HEAVY eye make-up, a peirced mose, and she dyes her hair with spray on hair color. She wasn't like this a few months ago. I make her buy her own clothes, because I am NOT buying that filth. Now is she gothic or punk? Is it just a phase? Should I let her go through it? What happens if it ruins her social life?
Is my kid going punk? Ok take this from a teen who is punk and my parents sound just like you ... Dont worry ... Shes just being who she wants to be .. Your letting her do what she wants and your letting her pick her own style ... Let her its fine cause the worse thing you can do is take that away from her ... DOnt make it sound like a bad thing cause its not ... NOw Gothic means she wears alot of black and punk is kinda what you are explaining ... And if she starts hanging around those kinda guys dont be such a parent if you raised her right and you no if you did or didnt if you taught her right from wrong then you dont have to worry .. and another thing just cause she dresses like this doesnt mean she is doing drugs or is a lesbo or is a freak or a cutter or a drug addict that what my parents thought at first Its not ... and heres a tip from a teen to a parent the more you hate it and the more you say i dont want you dressing this way the more/worse she will do it ..(probably) this isnt a call for help this doesnt mean she is going crazy ... Shes 15 let her live a lil .... if you need any more advice heres my e-mail
Is my kid going punk? First of all, dont make it sound like a bad thing, because it isnt nesocaraly bad. Also, this doesnt mean she is going goth or punk. It probably is just a phase, and you should let her go through it. And for her social life, this wouldnt ruin it because she is probably doing this because her friends are.
Is my kid going punk? thats punk, it wont ruin her social life, and just let her do it. if you dont, she will find ways around it. there is nothing wrong with band t-shirts and striped clothing. my mom lets me wear heavy eye makeup as long as its bright colors. I have hot pink and bright orange. Its probably just a phase so just stick it out. she will come around(most likely, but no gaurantees)
Is my kid going punk? have you ever seen anyone "Punk" in there 20's or 30'S, this to shall pass, but give her a good slap upside the head to knock it out of her for good mesure.
Is my kid going punk? itz not goth, goth is all* black, punk is weird colors, exactly how you desribed......it can be a phase, but a small* word of advice....dont fight it too much or else she will be worse.......i dont think it'll ruin her social life, but since you are her mom, do what you think is best...
good luck*
Is my kid going punk? she's punk not goth cuz shes wearing pink. if she was wearing all black she would be goth but since she's wearing color shes punk. dont worry its usually just a phase. i know alot of punks who were punks in like 8th-10th grade but then they changed all of a sudden.
Is my kid going punk? dont worry, my son went wearing nothing but black and on occasion tan shorts, he grew out of it when he got into the "driving stage" when he got his lincence, it apparently is a "fad" and they will grow out of it, as long as she is still making the same grades i wouldnt worry about only i had to worry about "sagging", when he got a job he found out fast that that isnt how you play the game
Is my kid going punk? Just let her be...she will get past this..it could be worse
Is my kid going punk? Don't act like you're ok with it, but don't push her to change either...just let it pass..if you try to make her change, she'll just want to rebel and do it even more....she'll go back to normal sooner or later...just give it time =)
Is my kid going punk? i think you should talk to her about why she is dressing that way and if you have a problem with it ( i would) tell her she cant dress that way anymore. she may say that it's her body or watever but you need to remember your the parent not her and she needs to realize that to and listen and do what you say.
Is my kid going punk? she is most likely neither it is just a phase i went though it and I'm not any more and I'm not punk or goth so let her go though the phase just be there to help her with what ever she needs and don't make her buy her own clothes that just tells her that you don't care and she will go goth or punk so help her and help her buy her clothes and see if she wants any other color clothes my friend went goth to see what her parents would say and they said nothing so she stayed goth and it ruined her social life so don't let it happen to your daughter email me if you have any more questions @ baby_sister_kaylee@yahoo.com
Is my kid going punk? This is punk because it's the style of certain rock bands but gothic is all black and a distance between you and tend to be drawn to others who dress in all black. It is just a phase, your daughter grow out of this as she gets older and I think you should let her go through with it. She's just following the trends of rock stars like Avril LaVigne who dress like this amongst others. It's not necessarily a bad thing because other teens her age is going through this also, so I am 100% sure that this will not ruin her social life.
Is my kid going punk? Well why don't you ask your daughter yourself and see what she has to say...
Is my kid going punk? you are her mother you should know what is go on with your daughter better than a bunch of strangers.do you talk to your daughter?in stead asking a bunch of strangers whats up with your daughter? may be you should ask your daughter what is up with her?are you permanently out to lunch or what?
Is my kid going punk? yea she is goin punk b/c if it was goth then she wld be wearin all black she will only go thru this punk stage 4 awhile til she gets bored w/ it then she will switch to sumtin new!
Is my kid going punk? i would say she is defiantly going punk cause i am the same way. i wear black and red ties or pink ties. i spike my hair. i look a lot like Billie Joe the led singer of green day. they r defiantly punk.
Is my kid going punk? Yea, she is going punk, but it's not the end of the world. It's a lot better than going Hip Hop! Its the same as the heavy metal period I went through.
Tell you her concerns, but don't harp on it or you may make it a bigger issue than it is.
Is my kid going punk? Sounds like it, but its not so bad. I went through it and still like it to listen to Greenday and a couple of the older punk bands. I have a great job now with a ton of responsibilities, so I am sure she will gorw out of it.
Just don't make it worse by making it a major issue. Teenagers are notorius for doing the opposite of what their parents harp on. You should be glad she's into punk and not Hip Hop or Gangsta.