Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...i only did it to attract my type of guys (rocker,punk) but no i regret it now and i have found out that it was permanent when it wasnt suppose to be and it has made my future hair come out greenish instead of the regular blonde color....

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?

Are you kidding me? Sweetie, the thing that is most attractive to guys is confidence and charisma, which you get from being comfortable with who you are.

Don't do things like that for guys, it won't get their attention in a good way, they'll just think you're desparate and therefore easy. Just be yourself.

Now about your hair... I'd reccomend dyeing it a darker color, like brown or something with a low ammonia hair dye. Get something natural, or maybe henna. Try to stick with something that won't damage your hair and make it crazy when it grows back. Maybe cut it a little shorter or something.

In future though, just rock your own thing. The boys'll think that's much sexier, and if your thing's green hair, or pink like mine was for years, than rock the hell out of it, but if it's not, then rock that. Just be yourself and be the awesome person I'm sure you are. The boys'll be crazy over you and you'll be happier.

Good luck with the hair there....

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?

you must change now the color of your hair so peoplr will like you again

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?

Not sure where the question is in this. Sorry for your misshap.

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?

Go find a decent hairdresser who can help you - or keep wearing a hat and cut it regularly - eventually your natural colour will come back again - my son went total black and his natural colour is red and he worried it wasnt going to come back but I can see red hair coming through now so I wouldnt worry too much just leave the green stuff alone in future - we all have to expiriment sometime and fair play to you for being different and brave xx

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?

hopefully you learned from your mistake

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?

Live and learn. And real product labels.

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?

sucks being you. I recommend that you shave your head completely bald and using latex house paint, paint a new head of hair onto your now naked pate. Then, sit back and relax while the punk, rocker, greaser, scum bag dudes you are attracted to beat a path to your door

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?

shave it quit being so nieve girl

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?

Go to a good salon, I'm sure they could help you! And hun, you shouldn't feel you need to attract men by such drastic changes. You are beautiful as you are, green hair and all!

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?

Go to Taco Bell, tacos make everything better

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?

That's what you get for trying to conform and look like a douchebag.

Now go pay somebody to fix your hair, and act like you have a future!

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?

well if people don't like you they are just shallow and you shouldn't hang out with them they are not worth your time. if it wasn't supposed to be permanant but now it is, email or call the company and tell them. but read the label first and make sure it doesn't say it may be permanant on blone hair. did you use that loreal pulse stuff? i used to purple one on my blonde hair, it came out red, and it lasted a few months when it was only supposed to last one month. and i think that is really weird that it made your new hair come out green. i think with the pulse hair coloring you aren't supposed to put it too close or it will hurt your scalp or something. unless you are used to it.

i hope this helps

good luck figuring out how to fix it!

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?

i dont like u to.....your hair.....sucks:ptake care:*

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?

It's not permanent and it will grow out

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?

Wow. I would visit my beautician STAT! Perhaps in the future, when you want to experiment with a non conventional hair color, try a rinse or semi-permanent color. I've been there before, (dyed my hair a mahogany and it came out purple!) it grew out eventually and I covered the remains with a dark brown permanent hair color. Good luck to you!

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?

Green and BLue are NOT permanent.. they will wash out eventually

NO hair color has the ability to change what your future hair comes out like...

I was Punk when Punk was new.. when Punk really meant something.. not like now...

if you were REALLY punk you wouldnt care if people liked you or not and certainly wouldnt have dyed your hair to attract guys...

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?

I think if u like your hair color u shouldnt change it so people like u again. That's silly. If people only liked u because of what u looked like that meens people didnt really like u!

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?

what r u asking?

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?


I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?


I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?

hey don't worry about your hair i know how u feel i put blue in my hair just to be a bit different and mine turned out **** i had to get a mullet which made it worse but i have alot of respect for u as you were only trying too be different (and that's the way too be) go too the hairdressers they will fix it for u .you may not be able to be a blonde for a while but I'm sure being a redhead or brunette would suite you also maybe you could try all different colours in your hair when mine grew out i went crazy now its cherry,black,ginger,blonde and light warm brown as iam a punk as well don't give up be different just be a bit more care full next time

cheers !!!

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?

bleach yor hair that happened to my brother and he had to bleach his hair back to blode ok kidooo

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?

Look on/in the bright side, kind of experiment thing and have fun with it. I once did the same thing( to impress Mr. Shrek...he wows for month) Now I'm back to my natural and those green hair day in the past...make me smile when I'm feeling blue.

I dyed my hair green and now nobody likes me...?

WOW, these ppl on here on being smart a**es! Sorry for the misfortune with the color. I would agree to go to a salon to get it fixed. It might be costly, but it wouldn't hurt to try. Good luck to you!

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